After a few days off, the Hurricanes play another back-to-back set this weekend before launching into the final three games of the 2017-18 season next week. And on Wednesday Valentin Zykov and Warren Foegele were returned to the Charlotte Checkers eliminating arguably the best story line going right now. And with that, the home stretch of the 2017-18 season is upon us.
We will save the deeper dives on the full season until it is officially completed, so today’s Coffee Shop instead offers an eclectic mix of polls and discussion questions.
Carolina Hurricanes polls
Please remember to click ‘vote’ after each individual poll response.

Discussion questions
1) If you could have three questions with Bill Peters and Ron Francis (realizing he likely will not be part of it) for the post-season press conference and were guaranteed actual/honest answers, what would your questions be?
2) We will save the deeper discussion mostly for later, but thus far what has been your single favorite highlight of the 2017-18 season?
3) Free for all…Who has another question or two for the group to bandy around?
Go Canes!
1. Why did we wait this long to see Zykov and Foegele?
Why didnt we sit non rookies / 4th lines that deserved it?
What were the trade offers given to you?
2. Faulk hat trick- only time I’ve seen him engaged this season
Darling’s Chicago win- also the only time I’ve seen him engaged this season
3. How many rookies will be on next year’s squad? 5, Im guessing
Zykov, Foegele, Wallmark, and McKeown look like for sure candidates
Necas could start on the team as well
Ned, Kuok, and Saarela are candidates as well for a slot.
0506–I am as enamored with our prospects as anyone. However, I think the limit for rookies will be four. Three forwards (Zykov, Foegele, Necas) and McKeown. And McKeown only if Faulk is traded in the off-season. Wallmark most likely starts in Charlotte as insurance for a center getting injured.
While I was certain Phil Di Guiseppe would not be on the roster next year, his recent play could still prove otherwise. So I think Ryan and Stempniak are allowed to walk. Nordstrom might be re-signed at the salary he has now for another 2 years with the thought he can battle for the 13th spot. Otherwise, I don’t see anyone else being traded without a veteran coming back.
I think it is very hard to speculate on which rookies – I think a number of players will represent trade bait for a bigger piece or two. For example, I think Wallmark could be an attractive piece to include in any trade for a top-6 if that is the direction we decide to go. For any good NHL-roster forward, you have to expect the price will include a good roster player as well. Consider a trade of Skinner in his contract year – teams would take him even for a year if they also get a top-end prospect for afterwards. Plus next year we look to be heavy down the center.
I think the same types of argument can be made for a number of our prospects and we can expect to leave the organization in trades if we are planning to bring in an NHL roster player or two.
In answer to your first first poll question – I remain near-fully engaged (perhaps a step or two down) because the Hurricanes remain my team and I remain a fan, win or lose…unless they start to mail it in and begin to lose badly. After April 7 my focus will shift primarily to the Durham Bulls and secondarily to the Checkers. I will probably pick up MILB-TV and also AHL-TV for the playoffs and my first game at the DBAP is on 4/8.
1. (a) My greatest curiosity, already referenced by gocanes, is a followup to RF’s comment mid-season on why no trades – RF talked about coming in second and “just missing”. I would love to hear the details he meant, although I know that is not discussed out in the open.
(b) Another question is whether it was Peters or Francis that drove the decision to not bring up AHL players previously in the season for something more than auditions.
(c) Not applicable or not sure.
(a) Turbo’s hat trick
(b) speaking of hat tricks, a bit more humorous was the reaction I got heading to the ice after Faulk’s third goal and being told left and right it wasn’t a hat trick…simply because Wade Minter hadn’t had the chance to call the correction and first goal back to Faulk (as he told me later) whereas by listening to Chuck Kaiton live in the arena I knew the change had already been made).
(c) In the first game against Edmonton, Slavin skating backwards against McDavid moving at high speed on the rush and not allowing McDavid to make his turn to the net. It was classic Slavin at his best.
With what I just read, my third question would be to BP only and ask him if we have to wait the whole week for him to exercise his “out” clause.
1. Bill, tell us what you think about Jeff Skinner. What does he bring to the team, what are his deficiencies and if you’re back next season, do you want him on the team? Or, would you prefer to have management move him and pick up more draft picks that can be turned into minor league players that you won’t be forced to play. Tell us what you really think.
2. New ownership. Hey, it could be a massive Jerry Jones-type train wreck from here but there is no question the previous ownership had no interest in doing anything differently other than collect expansion team money and pay lawyers to sue family members. (I’d be surprised if that wasn’t part of the settlement. Seattle has to pay every franchise (except Las Vegas) 21 million to join the club. Can’t believe Karmanos let that one slip by).
3. If the Canes could pluck one player from one of the other teams not named Crosby, McDavid, Tavares, Kucherov, Stamkos or Mathews, who would be your pick?
Part 3A, If the Canes could sign Ilya Kovalchuk for two years at $10 million, and not have to give up any players (free agent) in the deal, would you want the Canes to do it?