With the NHL Board of Governors meeting today, I held off on posting the Thursday Coffee Shop in hopes that we might have something substantive to discuss coming out of those meetings.
That has happened, but the official news and details are a bit slow coming, so Friday or possibly even later might be the better time to bandy around details. But by no means should that prevent or regularly scheduled chat about Canes hockey over coffee as happens here every Thursday.
I will possibly add another poll or question for ongoing debate on Friday if/when more details emerge.
Carolina Hurricanes poll questions
Please remember to click ‘vote’ after each individual poll response.

Discussion questions
Two open-ended questions that you can do what you wish with today…
1) What are your initial thoughts on the potential ownership transition?
2) What are your thoughts on the state of the team on the ice right now?
Go Canes!
Without a doubt, the franchise needs new ownership. The team doesn’t just need someone with deep pockets, but an individual with vision, leadership and imagination. This person needs to be engaged with the team and the community. If the deal is indeed closed, I am anxious to see if the where we go from here.
As for tonight’s game and moving forward…who knows? Seriously, which team show’s up tonight…will it be the one with grit and hunger or the one that doesn’t start on time and continues to make the same miscues we have seen thus far this season.
It’s been stated before, I believe it’s past time to shake things up a bit — a trade, send guys to Charlotte, make some changes on the bench, etc.. Seriously, I like these guys, but this year has started like many of the seasons during the playoff drought — inconsistent play in all aspects of the game and not showing up on time — wash, rinse repeat.
Having said that, the light may come on and the team go on a roll, but thus far I have not seen signs of this happening. One can hope… Go Canes!
1. I like the change in ownership. Although Greenberg had a record of a fan-friendly management and ownership and Dundon has not history in organized sports I think it may actually help him take on ownership with a fan’s perspective. Apparently they have actually been talking for quite a while even though Dundon’s name just came up last week. The guy has money in the bank and I think the internal budget gets replaced by cap space limits (something which a cash-strapped Karmanos or Greenberg team couldn’t do). Listening to Dundon on the TSN tape he actually seemed very soft-spoken, hard to believe given his business experience. I look forward to learning more about him. He had a chance to really revolutionize the hockey experience in Raleigh.
2. The team needs change. It’s players saying the right things but only inconsistently doing the right things. I don’t think it is merely “RF never got a 1C” – the issues are deeper as Williams stated. This is a team that should be winning. This road trip, and the month of December, will be seminal – at the end of it with Peters will be on a hot seat or the team will have found the next level. But I really don’t think that next level comes without a shake-up.
Because (until today) I’d never heard of Tom Dundon, I don’t know what to expect from him. Hopefully he has independent ideas, and advisers vis-a-vis making NEEDED CHANGES! At any rate, this is bound to be a positive impact on the way the Canes are run! How can it possibly be much worse?
Personally, I’m hoping for a MAJOR CHANGE IN MGMT…SOONEST!!
…followed by some player moves.
Agree with Raleightj and Puckgod…this team has been 100% talk and maybe 25% change at best over the last 3 years. Sure, we have our individual achievements and good stretches, but overall we are no better than last year or prior.
We can all have hope, and certainly I still do!! If there is no change in the standings (aka playoff line) compared to the last few years, then we have to admit to ourselves (and yes, that means the uber believers) that change will be inevitable. Winning organizations don’t hope, they place themselves in better positions.
Kudos to what appears to be a new majority owner, with solid business sense and a willingness to showcase Raleigh for what it is. This IS a hockey market, and this is coming from yours truly in New England.
New owner pending approval, check. Perhaps PK will upfront a few bucks to get the 1C and salvage this season. After all, he’ll still own 48% and would be money well spent.