Now more than halfway through our second year providing local, independent Hurricanes hockey coverage, we are reaching out to the CandC community and asking for your help.
At its core, Canes and Coffee is a labor of love. We run as lean as possible, but there are still regular expenses to host, support and make even minor updates to the Canes and Coffee web site. And for the volunteers who help the site without compensation, it is nice to at least pick up a tab for lunch or coffee once in awhile.
Finally, With the off-season coming, we are starting to think about how to improve and grow for the 2017-18 season. We have a brainstorming list of our own and will also be requesting reader input from surveys. But as soon as even small amounts of web development, graphic design or anything else comes into play, even small costs add up quickly.
If you are someone who appreciates Canes and Coffee, we kindly request that you consider making a modest contribution to our coffee fund with a 1-time contribution via PayPal or a monthly subscription via Patreon.
Patreon is a reputed site used by many independents, and is a great way to set up a modest monthly contribution that you can cancel or adjust at any time. A simple 1-time credit-card or PayPal contribution is another option and very timely, as we try to round up a small budget for a couple cool projects over the summer. Or if you are unwilling or unable to help financially but believe that you could help Canes and Coffee in other ways, please send a quick message with how you think you could help.
Thanks and Go Canes!
The Canes and Coffee Team
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Contribute With PayPal

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